Written on Monday, June 23, 2008 by Unknown
Was watching the movie
21 (a real nice movie btw..) and came across this song..Time to Pretend by Mgmt..and it clicked..i dunno why but this song makes me feel good, and somewhat matches my state of mind.
Check it out..
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Written on Saturday, June 14, 2008 by Unknown

We work hard the whole week..well i do..sometimes..and then comes the week end. So what do we do in week ends? Well, some times back i would just be at home surfing, chatting, watching movies..ou touye lezard :p. However, ever since i came to know that i might be going to somewhere in Africa for quite some time, I have changed attitude. From now on..i work for Monday to Friday..and as from Friday night.. its party time. And since we are partying..let's party like rockstars..
In the past few days, i came to realise that i actually know many ppl, and i didnt kinda take the time to keep in touch. For instance today I went to a party organised by UoM student..gosh i didnt realise i knew so many ppl..btw..for all those i promised to come back have a chat and i didnt come..sorry..next time promise i will..oh and also..to the beautiful gurls i promised a dance and didnt come..sorry again..i promise next time i will dance with u..
Well this party was great today..got to meet some ppl i didnt meet in a while..and some new faces..and some i knew only on MSN or FB..well then..i had fun..got my load of bizous..handshakes..got my load of tequilla..vodka and beer..and cigs as well..although i was out of cig before the end of the party...
Its a kinda good feeling to go somewhere..and actually know ppl..i think its the first time i went to a party alone..and soon as i got in there i had ppl coming.."hey ki p dire?? lontant pas trouve toi.." well there were some with their "Encore toeme????" as well. I had a good time today..and indeed i can say..i partied like a rockstar..well its been this way for some week ends now. Tonight itself i was invited to the iCreate Night at 2122 and the School of Design catwalk..but since i dnt have any means of transport..i think i'll b at home tonight..i think its really time i get this driving licence..for there are cars over here..but i am not legally entitled to drive them..pfftt..
Anyways..thats it for today..where and when is the next party?? Or perhaps tom will b meeting with my mates for some drinks..
Life's short..let's party..like rockstars..
(dnt mind the typo mistakes..am still drunk..)
PS : Mne ressi konner..tout sa ban tifi ki ti p dire moi pas fimer la..zot tou fimer!!! OMG!!!!!
PS : Too much partying can be tiring..my voice is gone..although its sexier..but i cant speak softly :s
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