Tagged By Kyu
Written on Sunday, February 11, 2007 by Unknown
another tag by kyu a pretty short meme..
let's get this done:
1. Four jobs i had :
- Tele-marketing agent at Rogers Call centre
- Tele-marketing agent at Prophony
- Animateur Chat-Sms at Toolink
- Trainee Web Developper at Proximity Indian Ocean
2. Four movies i would watch over and over :
- Queen of the damned
- Matrix saga
- M:I 2
- Caribbean Pirates
3. Four Favorite TV Shows:
- Stargate (SG1 and Atlantis)
- Bleach (Anime)
- 24
- Lost
- Friends
- X-Files
- Crossing Jordan
- Knight Rider
- 4400
- Prison break (watched only 1 episode..and that was enough to convince me..waiting for some1 to give me to copies).
4. Four places for vacation i have been :
Till now mo pencore kitte maurice..bt been to quite a few hotels and some great bungalows in mauritius itself
5. Four places i've lived :
- Port-Louis
- Phoenix (where i am living right now)
6. Four favorite foods :
- Pizza
- Boulette ek so mine frire
- Mine appollo
- enfin mo manz de tout..seki ena bon gout..ek autant ki possib..non-veg
7. Four things to do in my spare time :
- Watch movies.
- Read anything on wikipedia
- Listening to music
- Playing
8. Four people to tag :
- Avinash (this time no excuses :p)
- Splash (as a welcome to the blogosphere)
- Ai (kouma mo ti p dire toi..mo pou tag toi ;-p)
- Morinna (akoz tne fek add moi dans to blogroll ;-p)
9. Four Website i visit daily :
- http://www.google.com/ig
- http://www.phdcomics.com/
- http://www.mauritiusblogtracker.com/
- http://www.nubaz.com/
10. Four places i'd like to be right now :
how can i b 4 places at a time???
anywhere..with my friends around..ek kot pena stress exams ek projet
so here is it done
another tag by kyu a pretty short meme..
let's get this done:
1. Four jobs i had :
- Tele-marketing agent at Rogers Call centre
- Tele-marketing agent at Prophony
- Animateur Chat-Sms at Toolink
- Trainee Web Developper at Proximity Indian Ocean
2. Four movies i would watch over and over :
- Queen of the damned
- Matrix saga
- M:I 2
- Caribbean Pirates
3. Four Favorite TV Shows:
- Stargate (SG1 and Atlantis)
- Bleach (Anime)
- 24
- Lost
- Friends
- X-Files
- Crossing Jordan
- Knight Rider
- 4400
- Prison break (watched only 1 episode..and that was enough to convince me..waiting for some1 to give me to copies).
4. Four places for vacation i have been :
Till now mo pencore kitte maurice..bt been to quite a few hotels and some great bungalows in mauritius itself
5. Four places i've lived :
- Port-Louis
- Phoenix (where i am living right now)
6. Four favorite foods :
- Pizza
- Boulette ek so mine frire
- Mine appollo
- enfin mo manz de tout..seki ena bon gout..ek autant ki possib..non-veg
7. Four things to do in my spare time :
- Watch movies.
- Read anything on wikipedia
- Listening to music
- Playing
8. Four people to tag :
- Avinash (this time no excuses :p)
- Splash (as a welcome to the blogosphere)
- Ai (kouma mo ti p dire toi..mo pou tag toi ;-p)
- Morinna (akoz tne fek add moi dans to blogroll ;-p)
9. Four Website i visit daily :
- http://www.google.com/ig
- http://www.phdcomics.com/
- http://www.mauritiusblogtracker.com/
- http://www.nubaz.com/
10. Four places i'd like to be right now :
how can i b 4 places at a time???
anywhere..with my friends around..ek kot pena stress exams ek projet
so here is it done
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